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Stonehenge Solutions


--Solving Stonehenge?

It is now possible to link many aspects of the work contained within this and my other web-site at    to form the outline of a 'big' picture of an all-embracing reason for the concept and construction of Stonehenge. 


Some of the several aspects of the total design including geographical location, physical facts such as alignments of stones, position within the landscape, design, numbers and arrangements of the various stone formations, and sequence and dating of construction phases can be linked to other aspects to see the over-riding purpose. 


Other aspects that now fit in are the strands of astronomical data that can be extracted from stone formation ground plans, primary axes through the monument, Heelstone position, stone heights and altitudes over these. 


A third group of factual information that expands the 'big' picture further is that which can be gained from the number values of Binary formulae within each individual stone formation.  Clearly even the suggestion of this aspect is going to be too much for many people to swallow.  'Daft', 'Fantasy', 'Crazy', Ridiculous', and that may well be some of the nicer comment.  It is not my purpose to excuse, or try to justify that which so many will probably judge and condemn purely on their gut reaction without even trying to explain how so much number actually works and does just what I have here shown it to do.  The reaction of individuals is not my concern.  That is the private business of each private intellect.  I here lay out straight fact.  Numbers count - not sentiment!          

'Joining the Binary Dots'  - Summarizing some conclusions concerning the Binary expressions within the main stone formations of Stonehenge.  Demonstrating how they all relate to one another and link together to give one, single, unified picture.  


Following on from previous work, I now have three out of the four stone formations with related Binary values.

1).  Sarsen Trilithon Horseshoe                Binary 2 3 4 0 5 


Solar Obliquity                                                B.C.  2 3 4 0            declination  23* 57' 45"


                                                                             A.D.  2 3 4 0           decl.               23* 23' 42"


                                                                             Mean (average)                             23* 40' 44"   

2).  Bluestone Horseshoe  (18 stones)      Binary 2 6 2 1 4 3  


Solar Obliquity                A.D. 2000    decl.  23* 26'  21'  45"      

3).  Sarsen Circle                                          Binary    7 6 8 6 1 4 3 3 6 4 0 4 5 6 4 6 5 0


Two examples of stars within the Regulus Group:-


(a)  31 Leo                                                           B.C. 2 3 4 0            decl.               22* 52.294' 


                                                                             A.D. 1 9 8 7             decl.               10* 03.450'


                                                                             Difference                                     12* 48.844' 


The difference value of 12* 48.844'  =  768.6'


                              Binary expression   =  768 6     


(b).  H833.1062  (Now re-designated  USNO J1007355+101541.)


                                                                             B.C. 2 3 4 0            decl.                23* 05.610'


                                                                             A.D. 1 9 9 5             decl.                10*  17.076'  


                                                                             Difference                                      12*  48.534'


The difference value of 12* 48.534'  =  768.5'


                              Binary expression   =  768 6  


The Summary So Far:-     


1).  Three stone formations have all yielded declination values.


The choice of declination values for various celestial events described within Stonehenge is the correct one.  Although much of my work in interpretation of Stonehenge has involved the use of local coordinates of altitude and azimuth when trying to make sense of the Heelstone and many other features, these local values suffer from several handicaps.  


First they are local to that particular geographical point and cannot just be translated to other sites.  Second altitude values are subject to such factors as horizon refraction, height of observer above ground level, disagreement as to which sight-line of alignment markers to use, to name just a few uncertainties.  Third, local coordinates are only correct for their date of use but there are few ways to demonstrate a particular date and time.  (At Stonehenge summer solstice sunrise is used very effectively.)  These are just some of the more obvious problems for local coordinates. 


Declination is a universal, global system, useable from a very wide range of location.  It is a standard global reference system used and understood world-wide.  It is a 'pure', fact based reference system, not subject to local physical variation, although, even here, date and time are needed.  Stonehenge manages to achieve date and time by combining the Binary expression integrated into the design of the Trilithon Horseshoe and which implies Obliquity of the Ecliptic at two widely spaced dates, with the obvious overall focus of the monument on summer solstice sunrise - an ingenious combination.  


All three stone formations summarized here are now yielding declination values that, ostensibly, relate to a single celestial theme of date and focus, extensively backed up by the design and layout of the stone monument, its geographical location , and the sheer size and survivability of its conception, selected material and construction.  It would be very easy to 'test' Stonehenge.  In this new and very 'clever' scientific epoch the equipment and knowledge are now available.  It only requires the enthusiasm and willingness of those who manage these technological celestial observing devices to look the correct way at the correct time.  What chance?        

2).  Values are all in format, degrees - arc minutes - decimal minutes or arc seconds.  

Clearly implications in a monument that is c. four-and-a-half thousand years old.  


3).  All three yield declination values fit together to give a single picture of celestial coordinates in our modern epoch, but based upon coordinates for just one ancient epoch of the time of the creation of Stonehenge at B.C. 2340.


The Sarsen Trilithon Horseshoe yields a dateable scheme for a summary of solar obliquity.


The Bluestone Horseshoe fits on to the same picture but giving a date for our current, modern epoch.


The Sarsen Circle gives the declination change for the stars of the the Regulus Group, from their initial B.C. date of the Trilithon date range to our modern date as supplied by the Bluestone Horseshoe.  (Actually c. 1987 / 1995 v. 2000 - but we are dealing with Binary Expressions rendered in gigantic megalithic rock format.  There must be a limit to how much precision can be built in.)  These declination changes described by the Sarsen Circle literally describe the 'bit' in between the solar obliquity start date of the Sarsen Trilithon Horseshoe and the solar obliquity finish date of the Bluestone Horseshoe.  Three stone formations - Start - Middle - and Finish!   


                                         Three out of the four stone formations!   



Number Four -- The Fourth Stone Formation -- The Bluestone Circle     

4).  Bluestone Circle  (61 stones)          Binary  2 3 0 5 8 4 3 0 0 9 2 1 3 6 9 3 9 5 1  


  (N.B. (1):-          Sarsen Circle                           x3(0)   =  Bluestone Circle


                             768614336404564650           x3        =  2305843009213693950(1)


                 or        7686                                           x3        =  23058      


(Is this an insight into somebody's mind from thousands of years ago who liked playing with big numbers, or is (was) it just showing off!)


  (N.B. (2):-         230* is the azimuth value of the Stonehenge Back Axis.  Reverse of Main Axis towards Heelstone.)       

Declination of some of the 'Little Stars' within the Regulus Group.     (The 'Little Stars' of the Regulus Group are one of the main themes of the whole of my interpretation of the astronomy within Stonehenge.  See my two web-sites.)  


Epoch B.C. 2340   


'Old' Hubble Number              New USNO Number                              Declination  


H833.1062                                  USNO J1007355+101541                       23* 05.6'   


H833.1185                                    USNO J1007357+101614                      23* 06.17'  


H833.732                                     -                                                                23* 0.53'   


H833.986                                    -                                                                23* 05.43  


H833.828                                    USNO J1008007+100921                    23* 03.39'   


Bluestone Circle Binary  (61 uprights)                                                  2 3 0 5 8 ...........                                                          

Generally the same comments apply here as for stone formations (1), (2), and (3) on previous pages.  The values are declinations.  The format is degrees - decimal arc minutes.  Values are as at B.C. 2340.  All of these 'Little Stars' are within the Regulus Group that rose with the sun at mid-summer solstice, B.C. 2340.  The whole process is illustrated across the face of the Heelstone at Stonehenge and is described extensively in my full manuscript, 'Stonehenge 2020 - The Way Forward', which can be found on my partner web-site          (tab 2).    


Declination 23* 05' corresponds very closely to one of the main features upon the Heelstone face, notably the long, slanting slit that rises from the centre of the stone towards the north-east edge, at the same angle of inclination as the rising of celestial objects at this time and geographical location.


There are quite a number of other features and facts that fill out this very specific picture, generally described and discussed extensively on my partner web-site detailed above, and also elsewhere on this site.

                                       Four out of four stone formations!

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